Human Rights Complaint

Use this form to file Human Rights complaints.

Use the checkboxes below to determine if your case is eligible to be considered by Arlington County's Office of Human Rights (OHR).

Requirements for Eligibility

Email Address (will be used for correspondence)

Human Rights Complaint

Enter the following information. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your Information

Worksite  / Location
Your Home Address

Additional Contact

This person would know how to reach me if necessary:

Human Rights Complaint

Subject of Complaint Information

Against what business or organization do you want to complain?

NOTE: If you would like to submit a complaint against two entities (i.e. a contractor and sub-contractor), you will need to submit two forms. This form will only be used to handle EEO complaints against the subject below.

Human Rights Complaint

Reason(s) for Discrimination

Why do you believe you were discriminated against? Check all that apply.

Select your race

Other Race

Describe your color

Select your sex

Describe your sexual orientation

Describe your gender identity

Describe your national origin

Date of Birth

Age (must be 40 or older)

Describe your religion

Select your marital status

Describe your disability

Human Rights Complaint

Enter the following information. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your Employment

Explain how you fit into the organization.

If applicable, please specify per hour or annually. This information will be securely encrypted.

Your Colleagues

Who else worked in your department / division? Include name and title.
Export Clear Add new row

Human Rights Complaint

Details of Incident(s)

Enter the following information about the incident(s) of discrimination. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Approximate date(s) of incidents (leave 'to' blank if one-time incident):




Human Rights Complaint

Upload Documentation

Use this page to upload any files relevant to your case.

Click 'Add File' to add as needed.

Human Rights Complaint

Use this section of the form to list witnesses, their contact information, and tell us what they can say about your case.

Click 'Next Page' to continue or click the checkbox below to Submit without witnesses.

Human Rights Complaint

Enter a witness, their contact information, and what the witness can say about your case.

To add another witness, click 'Add Another Witness' at the bottom of the page.
Witness Address
Add Another Witness
Remove This Witness

Human Rights Complaint

Acknowledgements and Submission



You will be contacted via email or phone when the Office of Human Rights (OHR) has finished reviewing your request. You may also be contacted by the Investigator to provide additional information. Office contact information can be found below.

Arlington Human Rights Commission
2100 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 318
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 228-3929
(703) 228-4390 (Fax)