Check to add/update Agent 1 information (Name, Address and Primary Email are required.)
Close-Up photo of the inflow/downspout discharge and splash block/rocks
Close-up photo of the observation well with the cap removed
Close-up photo of permeable pavement showing approximately 10 pavers
Close-Up photo of downspout's underground connection to the dry well.
Bioretention Location photo
Photo of a facility's location with a home or building in the background
Click here to see a sample Permeable Pavement Location photo
Overall photo of yard showing location of green pop-up emitter in relation to the house.
Click here to see a sample pretreatment Grass Filter Strip photo
Your Trench Drain photo should include a view inside of the trench drain showing it is clear of debris.
(Sample Trench Drain photo below. Click on the photo or link to enlarge.)
Click here to see a sample pretreatment Trench Drain photo
Your Forebay photo should include the inflow pipe and the depressed stone area.
(Sample Forebay photo below. Click on the photo or link to enlarge.)
Click here to see a sample pretreatment Forebay photo
Invasive Plant Management Plan -
Click <Upload> to attach your photo documentation for continuing removal of target species such as: wisteria (not on trees), bamboo, Chinese privet, multiflora rose, autumn olive, procelain-berry, bush honeysuckle, Japanese barberry, etc.
Photo of the ponding depth (including a ruler) for a Planter Box
Photo of the ponding depth (including a ruler) for Microbioretention
Click <Upload> to attach your photo documentation of ground-level removal of ivy:
Complete the information below, then click <Next Page> to continue.
NOTE: Infiltration Trenches require inspection 3 days after a 0.5" rainstorm.
Inspect the inflow and overflow points for erosion.
If any erosion is present, repair it.
(If repairs are made, explain in Notes section below)
Inspect the inflow points for sediment accumulation.
Inspect the surface for any debris or leaf accumulation.
Examine the ponding depth* and adjust accordingly.
(Photo of ponding depth including a ruler must be included. )
Inspect gutter leaf guards. Remove any leaves and debris.
Inspect downspout connection where it goes underground to ensure the downspout is not discharging directly on the ground.
Locate pop-up emitter. Remove the pop-up emitter, remove leaves and debris from the observation well/overflow.
Inspect the condition of the observation well pipe and ensure that the inflow pipe is still connected.
Inspect the surface for weeds. Remove if present.
Ensure that all of the plants are healthy. Any that are dead, dying or diseased need to be replaced.
Inspect the condition of the trees or shrubs, prune as necessary.
The mulch layer should be uniform in depth (2-3 inch layer) and level. Rake if necessary.
Is the planter box structurally sound*?
(Planter boxes only. If repairs are made, explain in the Notes section below.)
Inspect the observation well or overflow pipe to ensure covers are in place.
Inspect the gutters and downspouts for leaves and debris. Remove any that have accumulated. This should be completed twice a year.
Inspect the prescreening and first flush diverters for leaves and debris. Remove any that have accumulated. This should be completed four times a year.
Inspect the vents and screens on inflow and outflow spigots. If there are any holes, these should be patched.
Inspect tank for any sediment buildup.
Inspect the overhanging vegetation or trees. Prune any that are overhanging the roof.
Inspect the backflow preventer.
Inspect the tank, pump, pipe and electrical system for any needed repairs.
Examine curb cuts, gravel diaphragms or pavement edges for any sediment buildup that prevents flow from getting into the channel, and check for other signs of bypassing. Remove sediment if present.
Examine curb cuts, gravel diaphragms or pavement edges for any sediment buildup that prevents flow from getting into the dry swale, and check for other signs of bypassing.
Inspect the waterproof membrane for cracks or leaks.
Inspect the inflow points for sediment accumulation. Remove any if present.
Inspect the roof drains, scuppers and gutter for leaves or debris. Remove if present.
Inspect side slopes and grass filter strips for evidence of any rill or gully erosion. Repair if present.
Examine for evidence of excessive ponding or concentrated flows. If present, identify and eliminate the source of the problem.
Check for clogged or slow-draining soil media, a crust formed on the top layer, inappropriate soil media, or other causes of insufficient filtering time, and restore proper filtration characteristics. If necessary, remove and clean or replace the clogged material.
Inspect upstream and downstream of check dams for evidence of undercutting or erosion. Remove trash or blockages at weepholes.
Inspect the vegetation for any weeds or leaf accumulation. Remove if present.
Ensure that all of the plants are healthy and that at least 80% of the roof has plant coverage. Any that are dead, dying or diseased need to be replaced.
Ensure that there is 95% turf cover or vegetation density has been achieved in the bed and banks of the dry swale.
Ensure that the contributing drainage area is stabilized.
Repair undercut and eroded areas at inflow and outflow structures.
Ensure that the facility surface is clear of debris.
Replace pea gravel/topsoil on facility surface.
Remove sediment from pre-treatment devices (if applicable) and inspect for structural damage.
Ivy not present on trees.
Other invasive vines such as Japanese/Chinese wisteria, Oriental bittersweet, Japanese honeysuckle, etc. not present on trees.
Photo documentation of ground-level removal of ivy.
Photo documentation for initial removal of other target species such as: wisteria (not on trees), bamboo, Chinese privet, multiflora rose, autumn olive, porcelain-berry, bush honeysuckle, Japanese barberry, etc.
Other invasive vines not present on trees.
Photo documentation of ground-level removal of ivy - expansion of "non ivy" area or area of removal maintained.
Photo documentation for continual removal of target species -expansion or maintenance of removal area
Level spreader surface is level and in good condition (has not settled, been undercut, eroded).
Stone surface of level spreader is free of vegetation and excessive sediment accumulation.
The area behind the level spreader is free of erosion and sediment.
Inspect contributing drainage area for any controllable sources of sediment or erosion.
Inspect the structural integrity of the pavement surface, looking for signs of surface deterioration, such as slumping, cracking, spalling* or broken pavers.
Inspect the surface for evidence of sediment disposition. Any areas that are clogged need to be vacuumed.
Inspect the surface for evidence of organic debris. Any areas that have accumulated leaves or mulch need maintenance.
Check for vegetation growing between pavers. Remove/pull all vegetation if present.
Inspect the surface for staining or ponding that may indicate surface clogging. Any areas that are clogged need to be vacuumed.
Inspect the condition of the *observation well (pipe cap in driveway) and make sure it is still capped. Is it still capped?
Open the cap on the observation well and measure the amount of standing water in the observation well.
(If standing water is found, then maintenance is needed.)
What is the amount of Standing Water (inches)?
Inspect the condition of the *observation well (pipe cap) and make sure it is still capped. Is it still capped?
(See "Component Detail" page for diagram.)
If standing water is present, then maintenance is needed. Is maintenance needed?
If so, select "Yes", then enter the date the maintenance was completed; otherwise, select "No."
Visually inspect for structural integrity
Visually inspect weir wall and low flow orifice and ensure they are free of debris.
(Select N/A if pump present.)
Trash Rack (if present)
Test pump (if present)
Inspect the channel for leaf litter, trash and debris. Remove any if present.
Inspect inlets, side slopes, and channel for erosion and bare soils. Reseed if present.
Check for compacted soils or slow-draining channel. If necessary, de-thatch and aerate channel.
Inspect upstream and downstream of check dams for evidence of undercutting, side cutting or erosion. Repair immediately.
Inspect downstream of check dams and remove any accumulated sand or sediment deposit.
Ensure that there is 90% turf cover in the channel and banks. Re-establish if necessary.
Ensure that the turf is healthy. Treat and remove invasive species and weeds.
Are roof drain covers present?
Are roof drain covers in good condition?
Is there any debris (including leaves) that needs to be removed?
Replant/reseed any damaged vegetation, add reinforcement plantings to maintain 95% native vegetated cover.
Identify and control invasive plants.
(Explain in detail in Notes section below.)
Remove sand or sediment deposits along low flow channel if more than 50% of the stream bed surface area is displaced by sediment or if step pool structure is not visible.
Inspect upstream and downstream of all step pool wall for evidence of undercutting or erosion and remove all trash or blockages.
Examine stream bed for evidence of braiding, erosion, cobble mobilization or excessive scour in step pool areas.
Check inflow points of stilling basin and step pools for clogging. Remove excess sediment if more than 30% of step pool or stilling basin depth or volume is displaced by sediment.
Inspect side slopes for any evidence of rill or gully erosion and repair as necessary.
Inspect step pool structures for stability. Repair if 30% or more of the structure has failed.
Measure sediment accumulation levels.
(Make sure they match approved plan elevations.)
Inspect the condition of stormwater inlets and channels to the pond for material damage, erosion or undercutting.
Inspect upstream and downstream banks for evidence of soughing, animal burrows, boggy areas, woody growth or gully erosion that may undermine embankment integrity.
Inspect the pond outfall channel and emergency spillway for erosion, undercutting, rip-rap displacement, woody growth, etc.
Inspect condition of principal spillway and riser for evidence of spalling, joint failure, leakage, corrosion, etc.
Inspect condition of trash racks for evidence of clogging, leakage, debris accumulation, etc.
Inspect internal and external pond side slopes for evidence of sparse vegetative cover, erosion or slumping, and repair immediately.
Inspect planted trees and shrubs to ensure 100% survivability.
Document trees and shrubs are present per planting plan. Include the number and type replaced in the "Notes" section below.
Water trees and shrubs during periods with less than 1 inch precipitation/week (Years 1 & 2); subsequently during drought conditions.
Inspect deer protection on trees (if required).
Remove deer protection when trees reach 2-inch diameter (if required).
Inspect planted perennials to ensure 80% coverage. If perennials are added or replaced to obtain 80% coverage, include the number and type in the "Notes" section below.
Water perennials during period with less than 1 inch precipitation/week (Year 1), subsequently during drought conditions.
Cover bare soil with leaf mulch or undyed double-shredded hardwood mulch.
Inspect and clean gutter screens/gutters.
Inspect and clean inflow screen. (Perform monthly and after heavy rainfall.)
Observe pipe connections for leaks.
Inspect sump and remove drain plug to remove any debris, if necessary.
Inspect outflow for erosion and/or clogging.
Inspect the tank's structural integrity and pipework by qualified professional(s). (Perform once every 5 years.)
This value is used to prevent duplicate forms from being submitted.