American Trucking Associations is the industry leader for information related to the trucking industry. We produce a host of electronic circulars that contain vital insight which can help you operate your business more effectively. Listed below are e-newsletters that could have an impact on your business.

Simply review each subscription, check those that you wish to receive and complete the subscription form on the next page, and within 48 hours ATA will fulfill your request.

ATA Members Only!

Twice-weekly report on events across the country that maybe of interest to the trucking industry

Free to Members!
Weekly report on news affecting diesel prices
ATA's morning roundup of top industry-related news
ATA Members Only!
Weekly newsletter on latest economic news and analysis as it relates to the trucking industry
ATA Members Only
Weekly report on current issues before Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies and the courts
ATA Members Only!
Weekly electronic publication that covers state and federal tax and credentialing issues of interest to the trucking industry
ATA Members Only

Information sharing notification newsletter, twice a month.
ATA Members Only!

Quarterly newsletter designed to update interested parties about the ATA Litigation Center's work, other legal proceedings of note to the trucking industry, as well as other Center activities.
The e-newsletters are free to any employee of ATA member companies. Non-ATA members may receive Truckline Express for free. If you wish to subscribe to additional e-newsletters that are available to non-ATA members complete the subscription form and an ATA representative will contact directly.
Subscriber's Information
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